When it’s time to head back home, a golden retriever dog named Joey’s video represents every outdoorsy being on a walk. In a viral video racking over 35,000 views, Joey is stealing hearts with his stubbornness.
The hilarious video shows the pup dramatically refusing to end his walk and return home. While his human might not find it equally as hilarious when Joey does this regularly, various dog owners’ comments sharing similar experiences prove that Joey’s actions are far from uncommon.
Funny video shows dog throwing a tantrum after walk
A hilarious video on Instagram shows Joey doing the most golden retriever thing possible: he resists going home after his walk. His owner drags him while the pup refuses by lying flat on the ground or physically throwing his entire weight against the harness. The caption in the video says “When the human is walking the wrong way,” perfectly capturing Joey’s undeniable disappointment about the walk ending,
The first clip shows the mischievous pooch simply standing while his human companion finds themselves at his mercy. After briefly standing upright, Joey casually crashes down on the ground, catching viewers off guard with his unanticipated move. In the second clip, the star of the video finds more strength to overcome his human’s attempts to head home.
Joey’s human pulls the leash tightly, trying to coax him forward. However, the dog stretches his legs wide apart to resist the pressure. Similarly, in the third clip, he tilts his body sideways and pulls against his owner’s direction while the latter continues his pursuit to drag the pup home. The last clip shows the stubborn pup casually sitting as his human chauffeur drags his floppy body.
Fortunately for his human, the video garnered widespread attention from various dog owners. They commented how they had similar experiences with their goldens. However, Joey’s amusing “betrayed” reaction in the video during his dramatic rebellion makes him the poster pup for dogs who simply don’t want to end their walk.
The post Dog Refuses To Go Home After Walk in Funny Video appeared first on DogTime.